Abstract Submission InstructionsSubmission Deadline - Titles and abstracts must be submitted by October 4
th, 2024. Submissions addressing original research or syntheses related to ecology, ethology, systematics and conservation of southeastern fishes are welcome, and will be accepted in the order received. Submit early! If we receive titles and abstracts after all slots for oral presentations are filled, we will ask that the authors present in the poster session provided there is space available.
Posters - Poster size is limited to maximum of 48” wide. If you have other requirements please contact
Brook Fluker to verify availability.
Presentations - Presentations are limited to 15 minutes, including time for questions. Computer and projector will be provided.
Please note that we will be using real-time subtitles for PowerPoint presentations, so talks must be prepared using this program. Subtitles will be placed below the slides so that no images or text are covered up. Lightning Talks - Presentations are limited to five minutes with no questions allowed. No abstract is needed for a lightning talk and no student award is given for this type of presentation.
Please note that we will be using real-time subtitles for PowerPoint presentations, so talks must be prepared using this program. Subtitles will be placed below the slides so that no images or text are covered up.Abstract Limits - Abstracts are limited to 300 words (no abstract needed for lightning talks). Any abstracts submitted that are longer may be edited for brevity by organizers without the consent of authors.
Authorship - Multiple authors are acceptable. However, please indicate which author is presenting (details on submission form). Only one submission per presenter is allowed.
Student Awards - If you are a student and would like to be included in a best student presentation competition, please indicate by selecting "yes" for Student Competition. Short descriptions of the three presentation awards and the travel award are listed below.
Etnier Best Student Presentation honors David Etnier, a founding member of SFC and professor and curator of fishes at the University of Tennessee. Awards are given for 1st ($300), 2nd ($200), and 3rd place ($100).
Suttkus Best Student Poster Presentation honors Royal Suttkus, a founding member of SFC and professor and curator of fishes at the Tulane University. Awards are given for 1st ($200), 2nd ($150), and 3rd place ($75).
Bob and Fran Cashner Best Undergraduate Presentation honors Bob and Fran Cashner. Bob was a founding member of SFC, Bob and Fran were professors at the University of New Orleans, and Fran served as the subject editor for Copeia (now Ichtyology & Herpetology) for several decades. Two awards ($100 each) are given, one for best oral presentation and one for best poster. No individual may receive this award if they already are receiving an overall best award.
Boschung Student Travel Award honoring Herb Boschung, a founding member of SFC and professor and curator of fishes at the University of Alabama. Awards ($100) are determined by a random draw of 20 names of students presenting at the meeting.